If food handling is done incorrectly, bacteria in food rapidly grow and multiply putting us at risk for diseases which may manifest as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Although these symptoms happen only in a short period, more serious complications may arise.
In the United States, Clostridium botulinum, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. are some of the common agents of foodborne diseases. These bacteria can be found in undercooked meat, raw fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized milk, poultry and even in canned and packaged goods.
How Does It Happen?
Food can get contaminated from collection and transportation to the market, to ending up in our kitchen tables. Raw meat becomes contaminated with bacteria during the slaughter. Cross contamination from unwashed hands and reused utensils and cutting boards are often the cause of food poisoning.
The food processing equipment itself can also be the source of contamination. Food left out of the fridge for more than a few hours hastens bacterial multiplication and results in food spoiling.
Who is at Great Risk?
Anyone who eats contaminated food is at risk, but certain groups of people are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses. These include the elderly, pregnant women, individuals with chronic conditions, the immunocompromised, and travelers to foreign countries.
Preventing food contamination is achievable only if one stays alert and conscious of the harm of unsanitary food handling. Buying fresh foods, cooking and storing it properly, keeping it well refrigerated, and practicing good personal hygiene are just some of the basic ways to avoid food contamination, and eventually, prevent health risks associated with it.
However, unavoidable situations happen when we end up eating at chain restaurants. In such cases, we are in less control of how food preparation is done.
Risk of getting a foodborne disease is still possible if we are not careful enough. If the worst scenario happens, health insurance would have your back. At Cornerstone Insurance Agency, we aim to make our client's life easier with policies that are tailored to their needs. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (770) 413-0807. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE.