One might get tired of making his or her "New Year's Resolution." The resolutions that he made five years ago are the same resolutions that he has been making for the last five years. That's because he lacks one important thing which is - willpower!
If you are managing addictions or maintaining discipline, here are few of the major guidelines in developing and maintaining willpower:
Do you know someone who is a chain smoker or an alcoholic? We all know that addiction is the dependence on something or someone. Say a person is dependent on a particular substance, he might hear people telling him that he's addicted to it, but doesn't recognize it internally. It is so because of the sensation or excitement that he continues to feel because of it. He might turn a blind eye.
You can't work on the outcome that you want to achieve if you don't recognize the actions that stop you from starting. As one quote says, "My favorite definition of the mindful path is the one that reveals itself as you walk down to it. You cannot find the path until you step on to it." For me, it simply means you can only find the solution if you know the problem.
Practice Self-Control
I remember someone told me that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I guess that's pretty true. If you don't start practicing self-control, you'll never get started. We might fail on the first, second or third time, but what's important is that we already began.
Self-control separates us from other creatures. Unlike animals which only act because of their instinct, we humans have the capability of controlling our impulses. Some people have great self-control, while some have a very weak grip of it. But one thing is for sure. We can all practice it.
Find Stress Relief
We will all experience discomfort along the way. Whether you want it or not, you need to endure the not-so-good parts of life. Adversity and challenges are all part of it. But it's important that you know how to relieve yourself from stress.
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